Sunday, November 18, 2012

What to write about...besides that my kids are amazing.

I have started so many posts in my head.  Then they are swept away by the busy-ness of each day.

It is weird to be doing foster care paper work again.  I did not miss it at ALL between the time we adopted Lizzy and now.  Not. One. Bit.

The kids are doing so good.  My oldest daughter is such a sweet girl.  She is soft spoken, but has a wild fun loving side.  She is all girl and makes my heart so happy every day.

My 2 1/2 year old daughter reminds me SO much of my first foster placement.  From the back they could be twins.  Same hair, same silly run...if it wasn't so comforting it would be freaky.  I feel like in a small way I got my Sabrina back.  She is healing a lot of the holes that were left in my heart from loosing my first daughter.

My newest son has the best smile and the funniest personality.  I love him.  I make sure to show him that every day because he needs to know.  He carries the most hurt, but we are building a relationship that I wasn't sure would ever come.

Lizzy is, as always, a challenge.  I love that kid.  I think every day my love just gets more obsessed with finding what will work for her.  I am constantly trying to figure out how to raise her.  She is family and we needed her just as much as every single other person in our family of 8.

I wish I could capture all the little stories that happen through out the day.  There is so many important things happening in the details.

But, for now, I am just holding on for the ride.


Rebecca said...

Sounds crazy fun! So happy for all of you. Yeah fostering paperwork is yuck!

Mandy said...

I am so glad to see the transition is full of good stuff too!

Carrie said...

So happy for you!

Stacey said...

Savor the "important things happening in the details." If we never know them, it's OK. It's a joy to us to even be a witness to the merging of your family and are happy just to hear from you. Your dynamics have changed and we rejoice!! Yay God!!